Thursday, 21 June 2012

Camera settings

Photography tips

Camera settings

By  Paul  Keeling

So, what settings do I use? Here are a few tips that might help.
1/Always reset your camera after each shot.
There is nothing worse than coming to take photos and finding they are too dark, or that your ISO is set too high and your pictures are ghosted. That’s why preparation is key. Prepare well .Check your settings before each shoot.
2/  PASM?Which one?
Which one of the 4 camera modes do I use? If you are not confident or advanced enough in your photography to have complete manual control over your camera, (using Aperture priority , Shutter priority or Manual modes) ,use the “P” or programmable mode. This is a semi automatic mode, and allows you to use and have control over different combinations of shutter speed and aperture  ,as well as having control over ISO and White balance . Auto mode won’t allow you any control, whereas P mode will adjust the settings for you but still allow some control over your camera .If you are advanced enough to use the other 3 modes then a general rule of thumb is to ask yourself which aspect of your shot do you want the most control over? This will help you decide which mode to use.
One sure fire way of knowing what settings work best in any situation is to go out and practice. This is something even the most hardened pros do .This could involve testing a new lens, playing around and experimenting with different shutter speeds, apertures, or ISO settings; or it could simply mean getting to know your camera and its limitations.
The old adage “practice makes perfect” is true, even for photographers. The more practice you put in, the more you get to know your camera, and the more you get to know its strengths and limitations.
Most cameras nowadays have Preset modes, such as Landscape, Portrait, or Night modes, where the camera will automatically preset the best settings for each situation. These are especially good for beginners, and can be used as a learning aid, or can simply be used if you see that dream shot in front of you and don’t want to miss it.

Finally , my advice to any budding photographer is to get to know their camera. Read the manual. Nowadays there are many advanced settings hidden deep within the menus of your camera which can help you produce those dream shots.
Happy snapping!!!!

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